Sandy King is the winner of the "Build your own Contest" Contest. Her name gets entered into the Club's Contest-Hall-of-Fame and we use her idea! Here it is: Object: Make happy citizens - Lots of them! You must do it within 300 sim-years. You have six Terrains to choose from ranging from Easy to Hard. Your score gets multiplied based on which terrain you choose. Variables in the score equation vary in importance and value since they are weighted. SCORE = (GOOD - BAD + BONUS) * TERRAIN GOOD = ((p/20000) x (h/25)) + (e/25) + (r/20) BAD = (c/10) + (n/10) p=population h=health e=education r=popularity c=crime n=pollution BONUS * 200 points for having Arcos * 100 points for having a military TERRAIN: Easy 3 Medium 5 Hard 10 ************************ DETAILS ************************************ DETAILS: * One entry per person. * Contest Ends Monday Nov 14, 1994: Please send entry city back by midnight. * 300 sim-year limit: * terrains starting in Jan 1900 must not exceed Dec 2200 * terrains starting in Jan 2050 must not exceed Dec 2350 *************************** TERRAINS ******************************* File Name Score Multiplier Start Date Money EASY.SC2 3 Jan 1900 $20,000 MEDIUM1.SC2 5 Jan 2050 $10,000 MEDIUM2.SC2 5 Jan 2050 $10,000 MEDIUM3.SC2 5 Jan 2050 $20,000 HARD1.SC2 10 Jan 1900 $10,000 HARD2.SC2 10 Jan 1900 $10,000 *************************** CHEATS ********************************* No Cheats! 1. NO Phantom water pumps 2. NO Magic Eraser 4. NO Easter eggs 3. NO embezzling money in any way (hex editor, easter egg, SimBank programs, etc) 4. NO Terra-Forming in the Terrain-Editor. You can Terra-Form all you want (raise terrain, lower terrain, level terrain, etc.) BUT you'll have to spend money to do it in City-Editing Mode! 5. NO taking advantage of any bugs in SimCity. 6. NO NO NO. * If you don't know if something is legal or not, E-mail me directly and I'll post a message to everyone in the contest with my answer. * If you never heard of some of these cheats, E-mail me directly and I'll tell you. *************************** ABOUT **************************************** * This contest is free. * The starting-terrain you receive will be in City-Building mode. Not Terrain-Editing mode. Terrain-Editing mode is illegal. * Feel free to let everyone in the contest know how you're doing by posting messages on the: Bulletin Board --> "GAMES BB" (JUMP:GAMES BB) Topic ----------> "WAR/STRATEGY GAMES" (pick this topic) Subject ---------> "SC2K CLUB CONTEST" (search for SC2K) ***************************** RULES ************************************* * 300 sim-year limit * You must use one of the official contest terrains * You can terra-form all you want as long as you spend money to do it. It is illegal to use the Terrain-Editor. * Play with disasters on or off. It's your choice. You are free to use disasters if you feel like it. * No Cheats (see CHEATS section) ***************************** AWARDS ************************************** * There are no physical awards. We're doing this for fun. * ALL entries will be saved in my contest library and be made available to other club members. * Results will be posted on the GAMES BB ***************** HOW TO UN-ZIP YOUR STARTING TERRAINS ************** * The terrains have been compressed into one "ZIP" file to reduce upload/download time and cost. You will need PKUNZIP.EXE to extract and decompress the cities from the TERRAINS.ZIP file. If you don't have PKUNZIP, you can download it from Prodigys Ziffnet. JUMP:ZIFFNET, Search by Title for PKZIP. It's $4.50 and you get PKZIP.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE as well as many other "PK" utilities. ***************** HOW TO SEND YOUR FINISHED CITIES *************** * Use MailManager for DOS or E-mail Connections for windows for sending your cities. You can download either one. Ask me for details. * Save your citys in Pause mode before turning them in * Along with your finished cities, please E-mail me a description of your city which includes stuff like: your strategy, difficulties you had, interesting techniques/ideas/secrets/etc, what you would do differntly if you were to start over, and whatever else you feel like throwing into it. Everyone who turns in a finished city will receive a copy of your text. One of the main reasons for having contests is to learn about cool stuff, so if you think you have something to teach us, then do so! * SimCity 2000 - Note that you can use the Mac version but you must know how to "import from" and "export to" DOS. The starting terrain will be in the DOS format. All entries must be in the DOS format. If you don't know how to do this, write me and I'll send you instructions. * PKZIP - Please compress your city files with PKZIP before sending them. JUMP:ZIFFNET, Search by Title for PKZIP. It's $4.50 and you get PKZIP.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE as well as many other "PK" utilities. If you must, I will accept regular *.SC2 files un-compressed. * After the contest is over, everyone will be asked if they want copies of the cities. If you reply "yes", I'll E-mail you a ZIP file containing all of the entry-cities along with their description files. ****************** MORE CONTESTS ************************************* * This club is having a contest every two weeks. * Contests will usually run for one week. * Contest ideas are always welcome! * No physical prizes will be awarded. These contests are just for fun.