Sim Judge, Your mission is to rate each city on three categories: 1. Extreme 2. Scenic 3. Unique You will give each city a score ranging from 1 to 100 in each of the the three categories. 1 being the least. 100 being the most. Only use whole numbers like 1,25,55,76,99. Please don't use numbers with fractional parts (i.e. 54.342) Example: MYCITY was not very unique, was very scenic and slightly above average extreme. EXTREME SCENIC UNIQUE MYCITY 65 90 17 Please use the following table: EXTREME SCENIC UNIQUE AQUABAPO 000 000 000 AYTONVIL 000 000 000 COASTALC 000 000 000 COASTCIT 000 000 000 GREGLAND 000 000 000 HILLSBOR 000 000 000 INTRAMUR 000 000 000 KETHVAR3 000 000 000 LONGFALL 000 000 000 METEOR 000 000 000 TERISUB5 000 000 000 TWOLEV2 000 000 000 TWOLEV3 000 000 000 Fill in each entry in the table with the score you think the city deserves. When you are judging a city, don't just look at it from one view. Zoom in, look around. Rotate your view. Look underground. Did they do anything with tunnels, subways, water-pipes? Remove the buildings and roads, look at how the zones are layed out. Examine the graphs for anything extreme like population, health, or education for example. Look at the Industry window. Check the Population Window. Examine the Budget. Read the signs. Examine the infrastructure. Turn the city inside out. The following will give you more of an idea of how to judge the cities. Extreme - Extending far beyond the norm Scenic - Pleasing to look at Unique - Being the only one of it's kind Extreme - Go beyond what's been done before. People should look at your city and say "that's nuts!" Here are just some examples of extreme things to do: * Extreme transportation: no roads. use only rail or subway or highway, etc. Mostly road! Use all forms of transportation in an extreme way. * Extreme number of things: 9+ million population, 900 Arcos, 50 Fusion Power Plants, 100 bridges * Extreme terrain: Everything is Mountains, Mostly trees as thick as they get, rivers everywhere * Extreme whatever: think up your own! Scenic - No ugly brown dirt. Nice blue water and green trees. Pleasant looking buildings. Beautiful terrain, rolling hills. Natural windy rivers. Waterfalls. Earthy. Rural. Parks, Zoos, Marinas ... nice pleasant stuff. Inventive - unique and creative. Do something that's never been done before. Imaginitive. Clever. One of a kind. Feel free to write back what you liked about a city if you feel like it. Your comments will be part of the final contest-results text.