*********************************************************** ClubOpolis Results for the First Annual Llama Awards *********************************************************** Over-All City Awards: 1st Place: CLIFCITY is declared the over-all winning city scoring 4 category wins! 2nd Place: LONGBEAC, EXPRESSO, MOLEVILL and FARADO all tie for second by winning 2 categories each. 3rd Place: SYMETRIC, ARCORAIL, MILLERSS, BLM, BAD and XTREME all tie for third by winning 1 category each. *********************************************************** Over-All City Builder Awards: 1st Place: Jimmy Wan and Jason Overland tie both winning FIVE categories. Jimmy Wan with CLIFCITY and MOUNTFUJ. Jason overland with FARADO, EXPRESSO and BLM. 2nd Place: SkyJimy wins THREE categories with LONGBEAC and WILLIAMS. 3rd Place: Jerry Moore and Patrick Coston tie for third place, each winning TWO categories. Jerry with MOLEVILL. Patrick Coston with ARCORAIL and XTREME. *********************************************************** Winners in each category: CLIFCITY by Jimmy Wan * Best Overall Design * Most Original, Creative, Inventive, Imaginative City * Most Mountainous City * Your Favorite City MOUNTFUJ by Jimmy Wan * Best High Class Area (3-way tie with FARADO and WILLIAMS) FARADO by Jason Overland * Best High Class Area (3-way tie with MOUNTFUJ and WILLIAMS) * Most Creative way to power a City WILLIAMS by SkyJimy * Best High Class Area (3-way tie with MOUNTFUJ and FARADO) LONGBEAC by SkyJimy * Most Livable City * Most Realistic, Lifelike City EXPRESSO by Jason Overland * Most Creative use of Arcos * Most Creative use of signs BLM by Jason Overland * Best Vacation City MOLEVILL by Jerry Moore * Best Zoning Design * Best Use of transportation SYMETRIC by Kurt Carol * Most Symmetrical, Balanced, Perfect City ARCORAIL by Patrick Coston * Most Creative water supply XTREME by Patrick Coston * Most Weirdest, Freakish, Bizzarest City MILLERSS by Bev Donaldson * Best Looking City, fun to look at, not boring or dull, coolest overall BAD by Jesse Ralston * Most Chaotic, Insane, Crazy City *********************************************************** There were 23 judges to judge 38 cities on 18 categories. Here are the 38 cities and their creators: SKYCITY.SC2 Matt Whitherspoon FALLING.SC2 : FOUR.SC2 : EXPRESSO.SC2 Jason Overland BLM.SC2 : FARADO.SC2 : LIZZYSEN.SC2 Lizzy Ele THEABYSS.SC2 : US-AIRTR.SC2 : MYBUTT.SC2 Richard Kendrick ARCOVILL.SC2 : SYMCITY.SC2 : BAD.SC2 Jesse Ralston HOMELAND.SC2 : MIRROR.SC2 : LONGBEAC.SC2 SkyJimy WILLIAMS.SC2 : WINSTON.SC2 : KRIGHTON.SC2 Chuin Song Ng ATLANTIS.SC2 : YAN.SC2 Teng Yan Loke 3ISLAND.SC2 : ARCORAIL.SC2 Patrick Coston XTREME.SC2 : MOUNTFUJ.SC2 Jimmy Wan CLIFCITY.SC2 : NEWPACIF.SC2 Derek Strand PERFECTL.SC2 Dredd NORTHCOR.SC2 Robert Farrugia COASTAL.SC2 Brian Beggs MILLERSS.SC2 Bev Donaldson NONAMECI.SC2 Charles Culbert OUCH.SC2 Ed Smith MILLEN5.SC2 Michael Weburg CONTEST.SC2 Kennith Erickson ULTIMA5.SC2 Thomas MacVicar SYMETRIC.SC2 Kurt Carol MOLEVILL.SC2 Jerry Moore Here are the 18 categories each city was judged on: 1. Most Livable City 2. Most Chaotic, Insane, Crazy City 3. Most Symmetrical, Balanced, Perfect City 4. Most Realistic, Lifelike City 5. Most Weirdest, Freakish, Bizzarest City 6. Most Original, Creative, Inventive, Imaginative City 7. Most Mountainous city 8. Most Creative way to power a city 9. Most Creative use of Arcos 10. Most Creative water supply 11. Most Creative use of signs 12. Best Zoning Design 13. Best Use of transportation 14. Best Looking city, fun to look at, not boring or dull, coolest overall 15. Best High Class Area 16. Best Vacation city 17. Best Overall Design 18. Your Favorite city Here are the 23 judges: 1 garthmartin 2 mfaigin 3 teasdale 4 lutenegger 5 coston 6 carol 7 singleton 8 bell 9 sechrist 10 dunaway 11 blair 12 laster 13 rudmann 14 schulz 15 messina 16 precosky 17 donaldson 18 simon 19 matthews 20 raul 21 kugland 22 koester 23 cisneros *********************************************************** Most Livable City: It was a close race between LONGBEAC, FOUR and WINSTON but LONGBEAC barely wins by one vote. votes city judges 5 LONGBEAC 1 3 16 19 23 4 FOUR 2 4 11 19 4 WINSTON 3 9 19 21 3 WILLIAMS 3 15 21 2 CLIFCITY 5 7 2 EXPRESSO 9 17 2 MOUNTFUJ 9 19 2 NORTHCOR 9 19 2 SKYCITY 16 18 2 ULTIMA5 2 16 2 YAN 1 16 1 3ISLAND 2 1 COASTAL 17 1 HOMELAND 19 1 LIZZYSEN 13 1 MYBUTT 15 1 NEWPACIF 9 1 PERFECTL 19 1 SYMETRIC 10 1 THEABYSS 19 *********************************************************** Most Chaotic, Insane, Crazy City: BAD pretty much dominated this category. There was a three way tie between CONTEST, MILLEN5 and OUCH though. votes city judges 6 BAD 1 6 12 16 18 21 4 CONTEST 1 9 13 16 4 MILLEN5 6 10 11 14 4 OUCH 1 11 12 17 3 XTREME 4 9 15 2 ARCORAIL 7 23 1 COASTAL 3 1 FARADO 5 1 LIZZYSEN 19 1 MOLEVILL 22 1 SKYCITY 22 1 SYMETRIC 15 *********************************************************** Most Symmetrical, Balanced, Perfect City: SYMETRIC and SYMCITY were by far the most symmetric. SYMETRIC got an amazing 12 votes! MILLERSS and MIRROR are quite symmetrical too but the judges liked SYMETRIC and SYMCITY best. votes city judges 12 SYMETRIC 1 2 4 5 9 11 16 17 18 19 22 23 9 SYMCITY 1 2 5 7 9 16 17 19 22 5 MILLERSS 1 8 9 15 20 5 MIRROR 9 10 15 16 17 2 ARCOVILL 1 13 2 CLIFCITY 1 17 1 MILLEN5 19 1 NEWPACIF 19 1 PERFECTL 19 1 WILLIAMS 21 1 WINSTON 21 *********************************************************** Most Realistic, Lifelike City: No competition here. LONGBEAC blew away the competition! A pure win. WILLIAMS and WINSTON had quite a loyal following too, but were no match for LONGBEAC. votes city judges 11 LONGBEAC 3 7 9 11 12 13 17 18 21 22 23 5 WILLIAMS 3 5 15 16 18 5 WINSTON 3 4 5 18 19 4 MOUNTFUJ 3 17 18 20 4 SKYCITY 1 16 17 19 3 KRIGHTON 6 9 12 2 ATLANTIS 3 16 2 BAD 8 19 2 NEWPACIF 1 10 2 NORTHCOR 5 15 2 YAN 16 17 1 3ISLAND 17 1 EXPRESSO 1 1 HOMELAND 17 1 ULTIMA5 16 *********************************************************** Most Weirdest, Freakish, Bizzarest City: XTREME wins by 3 votes. CONTEST and MILLEN5 tie for second. All three are very Bizzare! votes city judges 8 XTREME 4 10 15 17 19 20 21 22 5 CONTEST 14 16 17 19 21 5 MILLEN5 1 2 5 6 22 3 ARCORAIL 3 7 22 3 BAD 1 12 19 3 OUCH 11 13 19 3 US-AIRTR 8 11 17 2 THEABYSS 1 9 1 CLIFCITY 2 1 COASTAL 9 1 FALLING 22 1 FARADO 18 1 LIZZYSEN 3 1 MIRROR 9 1 MOLEVILL 9 1 MYBUTT 23 *********************************************************** Most Original, Creative, Inventive, Imaginative City: It was a close race between CLIFCITY and MILLEN5 but CLIFCITY just gets the win by one vote. This was by far the most popular category with the judges. votes city judges 6 CLIFCITY 1 5 6 7 9 23 5 MILLEN5 1 16 18 19 21 3 3ISLAND 1 3 12 3 BLM 1 4 16 3 COASTAL 3 19 21 3 EXPRESSO 1 9 21 3 FALLING 1 9 11 3 LIZZYSEN 9 15 22 3 MILLERSS 9 10 15 3 XTREME 6 8 19 2 ARCORAIL 1 15 2 BAD 12 19 2 MOUNTFUJ 9 16 2 MYBUTT 3 22 2 SYMCITY 8 20 2 SYMETRIC 9 21 1 FARADO 1 1 NEWPACIF 1 1 NORTHCOR 9 1 OUCH 16 1 PERFECTL 16 1 THEABYSS 16 1 ULTIMA5 22 1 US-AIRTR 13 1 WILLIAMS 16 *********************************************************** Most Mountainous City: No Competition! CLIFCITY is quite Mountainous! It is a cliff-city after all. All six cities are very Mountainous. This is the most agreed upon category with only six different cities. votes city judges 13 CLIFCITY 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 16 18 20 21 22 23 10 FALLING 2 8 9 10 13 14 16 17 19 20 4 MOUNTFUJ 2 6 16 23 4 MYBUTT 9 15 16 17 3 LIZZYSEN 1 16 20 2 WINSTON 1 16 *********************************************************** Most Creative way to power a City: FARADO completely obliterated the competition!!! You've never seen a city powered like this before. votes city judges 12 FARADO 1 2 4 5 9 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 4 PERFECTL 5 9 17 23 3 MOUNTFUJ 9 13 23 2 ARCORAIL 22 23 2 COASTAL 20 23 2 EXPRESSO 3 17 1 3ISLAND 6 1 BLM 11 1 FALLING 1 *********************************************************** Most Creative use of Arcos: Another semi-close race, but EXPRESSO clearly wins this category. votes city judges 6 EXPRESSO 3 6 9 16 20 21 4 ARCORAIL 1 2 16 23 4 FARADO 4 9 16 20 3 MILLERSS 8 13 15 3 NONAMECI 1 6 9 2 ARCOVILL 9 16 2 SYMCITY 7 10 1 LIZZYSEN 17 1 MILLEN5 3 1 NEWPACIF 11 1 PERFECTL 16 *********************************************************** Most Creative water supply: ARCORAIL is one of the few cities that clearly dominated its category. No one even came close. votes city judges 12 ARCORAIL 3 4 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 17 18 19 5 COASTAL 2 9 15 16 23 2 FARADO 11 20 1 ATLANTIS 12 1 CLIFCITY 9 1 EXPRESSO 10 1 HOMELAND 11 1 MOUNTFUJ 23 1 NONAMECI 17 1 PERFECTL 23 1 SYMCITY 5 *********************************************************** Most Creative use of signs: This was a very close race but EXPRESSO won by a nose over BLM and US-AIRTR. votes city judges 7 EXPRESSO 1 8 9 14 16 17 19 6 BLM 1 7 10 16 17 19 6 US-AIRTR 9 12 16 18 19 20 3 WINSTON 4 9 21 2 COASTAL 9 23 2 MOUNTFUJ 1 9 1 CONTEST 13 1 MYBUTT 11 1 WILLIAMS 21 *********************************************************** Best Zoning Design: Not much agreement here but MOLEVILL still succeeded in winning without a doubt. votes city judges 5 MOLEVILL 1 5 6 9 16 3 ARCOVILL 14 17 23 3 CLIFCITY 1 7 19 3 COASTAL 1 10 11 3 MILLERSS 2 8 20 3 NEWPACIF 9 13 17 2 ARCORAIL 12 15 2 ATLANTIS 9 19 2 FARADO 5 18 2 KRIGHTON 1 19 2 PERFECTL 4 5 1 BAD 9 1 MILLEN5 12 1 MOUNTFUJ 6 1 SKYCITY 21 1 SYMCITY 6 1 SYMETRIC 9 1 THEABYSS 22 1 ULTIMA5 1 *********************************************************** Best Use of transportation: The next closest is 7 votes away! MOLEVILL's underground is solid subway tunnels. votes city judges 11 MOLEVILL 1 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 17 18 19 4 ARCORAIL 1 2 4 15 3 3ISLAND 1 3 21 2 ARCOVILL 12 17 2 NEWPACIF 16 17 2 SYMETRIC 5 20 2 ULTIMA5 13 23 1 ATLANTIS 2 1 CLIFCITY 20 1 COASTAL 17 1 KRIGHTON 19 1 MOUNTFUJ 16 1 PERFECTL 9 1 SKYCITY 18 1 SYMCITY 3 1 XTREME 23 *********************************************************** Best Looking City, fun to look at, not boring or dull, coolest overall: These are some really great looking cities! You can't help but yell "Wow!" when you see MILLERSS. votes city judges 6 MILLERSS 5 10 15 18 22 23 5 BLM 1 4 8 16 21 5 CLIFCITY 1 2 9 16 18 4 MOUNTFUJ 1 3 11 22 3 COASTAL 1 7 13 3 FALLING 16 17 22 3 SYMCITY 1 3 5 2 3ISLAND 6 16 2 FOUR 1 16 2 MYBUTT 1 15 2 NORTHCOR 9 16 2 XTREME 6 16 1 ARCORAIL 1 1 CONTEST 12 1 HOMELAND 19 1 LONGBEAC 16 1 MILLEN5 16 1 SYMETRIC 2 1 THEABYSS 19 *********************************************************** Best High Class Area: Not many judges even voted for this category and the ones who did, hardly agreed. It's the only category where there was no clear winner. A three way tie between FARADO, MOUNTFUJ and WILLIAMS. votes city judges 3 FARADO 3 9 19 3 MOUNTFUJ 5 14 19 3 WILLIAMS 8 13 21 2 LONGBEAC 7 16 2 WINSTON 17 21 1 BLM 15 1 CLIFCITY 10 1 COASTAL 17 1 CONTEST 4 1 EXPRESSO 12 1 KRIGHTON 16 1 MILLERSS 6 1 SKYCITY 9 1 SYMCITY 11 1 ULTIMA5 19 1 XTREME 9 *********************************************************** Best Vacation City: These cities are all great vacation cities, but BLM squeeked by with the win. votes city judges 5 BLM 3 4 9 12 14 4 3ISLAND 6 8 9 20 4 CLIFCITY 2 6 7 10 3 MOUNTFUJ 1 5 9 3 WILLIAMS 9 15 18 2 ARCORAIL 9 16 2 WINSTON 3 9 1 ARCOVILL 9 1 COASTAL 13 1 EXPRESSO 9 1 FALLING 20 1 FOUR 3 1 LIZZYSEN 21 1 LONGBEAC 2 1 MILLERSS 11 1 MYBUTT 15 1 NORTHCOR 15 1 ULTIMA5 2 1 YAN 23 *********************************************************** Best Overall Design: Major disagreement on this category. Even so, CLIFCITY is clearly the winner. votes city judges 6 CLIFCITY 1 2 7 9 12 14 3 MILLERSS 10 13 15 3 MOUNTFUJ 9 12 21 2 3ISLAND 18 19 2 EXPRESSO 1 9 2 NORTHCOR 2 23 2 SYMCITY 5 19 2 SYMETRIC 2 4 2 XTREME 16 18 1 ARCORAIL 1 1 ATLANTIS 17 1 BLM 20 1 COASTAL 1 1 FALLING 9 1 FARADO 17 1 KRIGHTON 11 1 LIZZYSEN 18 1 LONGBEAC 19 1 MILLEN5 16 1 MOLEVILL 6 1 MYBUTT 15 1 PERFECTL 16 1 WINSTON 9 *********************************************************** Your Favorite City: Each judge was to pick their favorite city. There wasn't a lot of agreement on this category but a few cities did stand out like CLIFCITY. votes city judges 7 CLIFCITY 2 3 5 7 9 14 17 4 MOUNTFUJ 1 9 13 16 3 ARCORAIL 1 9 23 2 BAD 12 19 2 MILLERSS 8 10 2 WILLIAMS 21 22 1 COASTAL 13 1 LONGBEAC 3 1 MILLEN5 19 1 MYBUTT 15 1 NORTHCOR 1 1 PERFECTL 11 1 SKYCITY 18 1 SYMCITY 19 1 SYMETRIC 4 1 ULTIMA5 2 1 US-AIRTR 19 1 WINSTON 21 1 XTREME 6 *********************************************************** Total Votes for each city: Cities like CLIFCITY, ARCORAIL and MOUNTFUJ got the most votes while YAN, HOMELAND and NONAMECI hardly got any. votes city 52 CLIFCITY 38 ARCORAIL 37 MOUNTFUJ 27 FARADO 27 MILLERSS 26 COASTAL 26 EXPRESSO 23 SYMCITY 23 SYMETRIC 22 BLM 22 LONGBEAC 21 WINSTON 21 XTREME 20 FALLING 20 MILLEN5 19 MOLEVILL 19 WILLIAMS 17 3ISLAND 16 BAD 14 MYBUTT 14 PERFECTL 12 CONTEST 12 LIZZYSEN 11 SKYCITY 11 NEWPACIF 11 NORTHCOR 11 US-AIRTR 10 ARCOVILL 10 ULTIMA5 8 OUCH 8 KRIGHTON 7 ATLANTIS 7 FOUR 6 THEABYSS 6 MIRROR 5 YAN 4 HOMELAND 4 NONAMECI *********************************************************** Total Votes for each Category: votes category 56 Most Original, Creative, Inventive, Imaginative City 46 Best Looking City, fun to look at, not boring or dull, coolest overall 46 Most Realistic, Lifelike City 40 Most Symmetrical, Balanced, Perfect City 40 Most Weirdest, Freakish, Bizzarest City 39 Most Livable City 38 Best Overall Design 38 Best Zoning Design 36 Most Mountainous City 35 Best Vacation City 35 Best Use of transportation 33 Your Favorite City 29 Most Chaotic, Insane, Crazy City 29 Most Creative use of signs 28 Most Creative way to power a City 28 Most Creative use of Arcos 27 Most Creative water supply 24 Best High Class Area *********************************************************** Total Votes for each Judge: Some judges gave tons of votes to many cities while others were very choosy. votes judge 69 sechrist 58 garthmartin 57 precosky 48 matthews 37 donaldson 30 teasdale 27 messina 26 mfaigin 25 kugland 24 cisneros 23 simon 23 coston 22 carol 21 blair 20 laster 20 rudmann 19 raul 19 koester 18 lutenegger 18 dunaway 17 singleton 15 bell 11 schulz *********************************************************** Additional Awards and Comments from each judge *********************************************************** bell OUCH.SC2 Best Disaster ULTIMA5.SC2 Best Roads --------------------------------------------------------------------- blair - THIS WAS TOUGH! --------------------------------------------------------------------- cisneros - I had a great time judging these cities. --------------------------------------------------------------------- donaldson MILLEN5.SC2 most packed city BAD.SC2 Worst city THEABYSS.SC2 most secluded (cut off from everything) this was a hard one Pat. The cities really didn't fall too much under the catagories... but here's what I have: had fun!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- dunaway LIZZYSEN.SC2 Best terrain ARCORAIL.SC2 Most Creative transportation --------------------------------------------------------------------- koester - I must admit that this was not easy to do given the time I had. --------------------------------------------------------------------- kugland KRIGHTON.SC2 Most Dense with Style My favorite cities were Williams/Winston, with both of them being well designed, low on complaints, and above all, they looked real, livable and natural. --------------------------------------------------------------------- mfaigin MILLEN5.SC2 wins for Most Weirdest, Freakish, Bizzarest City, NO COMPETITION! I would like to nominate KRIGHTON.SC2 for a special award for being (1)the oldest (9605!) (2) highest health (89) and (3) tied for highest education (130). I'd also like to see a special traffic award given to FOUR.SC2 for proving that with one bus station for every 1,100 sims (61) you could get a traffic rating of ONE! I probably spent more then 4 hours but it was worth it as a beginner to get so many ideas. I didn't know that given enough police stations you could get single-digit crime ratings. --------------------------------------------------------------------- raul BAD.SC2 Realistic City after a WAR CONTEST.SC2 Realistic city after an Atomic Bomb KRIGHTON.SC2 Most educated city MOLEVILL.SC2 Best use of subways --------------------------------------------------------------------- rudmann - This was not as easy as I thought it would be! --------------------------------------------------------------------- sechrist Here is the list of the categories by number, that we added ourselves. 19. Best Placement of statue. 20. Best Amusements 21. Most Waste of Hard Drive Space 22. Most creative way to hide Arcos 23. Most creative Title/Name for town 24. Best Waterfall ARCORAIL.SC2 19 BAD.SC2 21 BLM.SC2 23 LIZZYSEN.SC2 22 MILLEN5.SC2 21 MOUNTFUJ.SC2 18 24 MYBUTT.SC2 19 NORTHCOR.SC2 23 OUCH.SC2 21 US-AIRTR.SC2 21 WINSTON.SC2 20 Thanks for letting us be a part of this contest.. It was a blast!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- simon US-AIRTR.SC2 This isn't really a city but I love it! I didn't give any prizes for best arco city because all the cities with arcos seemed a bit over done and I have always considered arcos to be cheating. Once I have one or two in my cities, I start again. I found that over all there was very little radical, new cities out there. They all seem the same, either small city with wacky terrain, or hugh cities with flat terrain. This is why I think that CLIFFCITY and US-AIRTR are really nice. They are different. ---------------------------------------------------------------------