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010 - my laptop with GPS that helped me find Burning Man

020 - parade

030 - parade

040 - parade

050 - burning art

060 - The Burning Man

070 - art at night

080 - art at night

090 - Burning Man ignites

100 - watching the Burning Man

110 - Flames from jet car

120 - playing around

130 - art car

140 - art car

150 - art vehicle

160 - art

170 - stilt bike

180 - dust storm

190 - art capturing the wind

200 - hanging out in the art

210 - colorful tent

220 - nudity was everywhere

230 - security on wheels

240 - a fast way to get around

250 - dancing with sparks

260 - dancing with sparks

270 - this tent is easy to find

27 Pictures